    I'm Alex :)


Have went to SME Bank today. Enquired a lot on the business loan/grant. There is something that you need to know in Malaysia. Government is so damn stupid yet all the colleges wish that your commanding english is in a perfect level. Can anyone define Startup business to me clearly and precisely ??

they love to simply adopt terms where it comes out from their brain on that particular time. As long as got such a word exist, they will use it without second thought. oh my Malaysia, memang boleh all the times. Anyone know bout technopreneur? I think this english term only exist in Malaysia plus i felt so shame if the international personnel read or saw some new and weird terms in the big and internation function held in Malaysia and over the world concurently. Yeap ... we , Chinese , pure Chinese , not a banana , is lack of the habit of continuous reading of quality novel that makes our commanding english level so low. Some cant even speak or write English in a proper way. This can be forgive since we are not force to get a very good level of language since we are young (childhood). Bahasa , Chinese , English ... we needed to learn 3 languages in the sametime. Most of the students with good language scores will have bad result on other subjects like Math, Science, History or so on. Students only can focus on subjects that interested them. For me, thanks to my parents, providing me tuition with good quality teacher, my writing in 3 languages are considered okay . Speaking is perfect in Chinese , Average in English and boleh cari makan in Bahasa.

Back to technopreneur . this term refer to those who own a business related to technology industry. (lolx , felt that it is a must to let all of Malaysian know that our great leader has created this unique and good term to make Malaysian proud in front of the world)

Haiz .. have make up my mind to do one big decision . But there is always bad news for you when you have a good mind and strong heart on doing something. Wish that there is a better way for me .. oppss , is for us - james included here too . We have asked what we want , just that their Startup term with our Startup term is so much different. :(

Thanks Chooi Kit for remembering me to start reading some novel in order to improve my commanding english level. And thanks Peggie for the early birthday wish. Woot .. you seem so enjoy after your final plus wish that both of you have a wonderful and unforgetful Valentine's day.

Special Case of The Day : Couple quarrel one day before Valentine's Day and the Sor Zai go to middle of the road let a old Mercedez to bang. Dont know want to laugh or need to go help the fella if im on the spot too. Ahmen for the unfortunate guy, hope he got a good day after today.

*PJB[punjabi] 3343 White Myvi - Handsome guys on board. Check it out on the road if you are so lucky to see this car.

Besok going out for crazy Valentine's Party. T____T Lonely, i mr Lonely ... Single Party ROCKS !!! nanananana nanananana ,, so SO WHAT , i still a ROCK STAR !! XD