Alamak, its so hard for me to dry my clothes this few days !! went out work for whole day, but those clothes i washed and hang outside was once again WET by raining. Haiz... tomorrow must bring to laundry and OVEN BAKED it already !! Geram ... put for 2 days still kena raining and make me washed twice, ciss ....
haha .. today really a funny day !! my upline is come to look for me. Then, his main objective is not visiting me but is going to hunt someone. But the fella is not at home. Then my upline like scouting whole ss15 to check whether the target is around this area or not. But the story is, bounty hunter does not get his mark off. Then, we have our waffle at Asia Cafe. Yeap, waffle at Daily Fresh is like a drug for me. Ten times i go AC, 9 times i ordered the waffle. If you found that the kak or bang put too less jam for you, you can request them to fill more peanut and jam on your waffle. Hehehe ... the waffle is so FANTASTIC. Tomorrow will go eat again ... Ya o, talking back my upline, pity him la!! In the first place, helping the fella, but end up, the target is like so cin kak, dont even want to pick up his phone and tried to avoid from meeting him. Haiz ... see, nowadays, when friends asking for help, we think half then lend a double hands to help; but when difficulties happen on us, and we are trying to get back what is belong to us, they are like freaking want to avoid us. Haiz ... what a world la. The most cacat part is, the rain suddenly pouring down like those scene when we watched in cinema, Big rain , Strong wind .... Alamak, lucky i dint consume fiber today, if not , i will make a fresh choco cake on my pant. =.= the best part still not yet end, when i came back my own home, i just realised that two naughty couple sticking a MOBILE STOCKIST big sticker on my car. Lols .. since they cant find a small orange logo , they help me to stick a big one instead. LOls .. funny la you both sweet couple.
And yayaya .. mr nigga singh , trust me la please, i have experienced your current situation before. To hold or give up, trust me, to hold is the wise decision. Telan la all the blames, if you want face, thats the end of ur happiness. Hmm .. dont think too much jo la !! You still got us support you ma, right ?? LoLs, if you do not mind, i will intro replacement for you one... muahahaha !!
Fui yooo , my blog is going to become alive again. Hope that every night i will have the energy stay awake and blog out the things i want to share with all my friends.
Oh my goshh ... nearly forgot one thing. Dont hide in your blanket la baka hime. You really thought now sydney very cold meh ?? Emo also must come out makan one ark, told you jor he is not going to be the one who will really take care you. But fine, things have past, just let it be la !! And if got any problem, i will be the listener for you. Hmm , i used to be the listener right ?? kekeke ..
this small part is leave for my sweet heart one, pity you, friday need to work then after work your driver will fetch you home. Hohohoh .. no worry, i am going to Quattro and will shoot a lot photo then will upload here to share with you. =D , you wont miss a single fun moment of it. Hope my photographer will go along, if not , no camera man, then no photo to share with. And hows your computer jo ?? forget to ask you today?? Hope everything is fine la. You arkkk , password also can forget, let you Za Dou already....
hahaha ... i want a DEAR. really ... now desperately want to hunt for a dear. kekekee ... okie , i wont forget to leave a small note for my honey too. haha .. see , my misleading statement is cancel off jo, lols .. please dont always show =. = to me, its nothing new to me. i can foresee what is your expression jor, make something new and shock me la !! muahaha .. just like how i going to disturb you all the way, call you honey terus got a shock leh.
Woot ... sweet heart , honey , dear all got messages already !! who else i forget to greet today?? woot .. yeap yeap , sweet lady who still visiting Hong Kong now. Cisss ... so rich girl already ark !! Go HK shopping , hmm , this time let you escape one time , dont claim any present from you since your birthday is coming. and oh ya .. i know u wont miss any single story of my blog right ? sweet lady ark , please la seng mok d , bring me souvenier ark !! kekeke ....
okie .. almost 2am jo .. time for bed !! Ciaoz ...